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 Price list

Monthly Tuition Rates

Prices base on total classes per week.

1 Class- $65.00


2 Classes- $120.00


3 Classes - $175.00


4 Classes - $230.00


5 Classes/ Unlimited- $285.00


Our yearly tuition is divided into 10 equal payments (September – June) for your convenience. Tuition is the same every month regardless of the number of classes held due to holidays, etc.


Tuition payments are due the 1st of each month. A late fee of $30 will be charged for payments made after the 10th of the month. There is a $30 charge for returned checks.


A registration fee of $35 and the first month’s tuition is due at the time of registration. Tuition can be paid by cash, check or credit card.  We accept VISA, MasterCard or Discover. Credit card payers may sign up for auto-pay. Checks should be made payable to Ocean Dance Force.


There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. Make-up classes are available. Regular class attendance is important! If your dancer will be out for an extended period, please call and inform the office.


A performance fee of $80.00 is due no later than November 15th. Students taking more than one class will be charged $65 for each additional class. This covers production costs for the spring performance including some of the costuming. Performance fees are non-refundable. Performance fees paid after December 1st will incur an additional $10 late charge per costume.

Sibling  discounts available.

Est. 2008 Ocean Dance Force. Proudly created with

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